Drain Cleaners
Drain Cleaners Wanted
We are looking for auger technicians to clean drain lines using our equipment. Knowledge of plumbing is an asset. The Drain Doctor™ is a drain cleaning company that uses 10-ton vacuum trucks, 10-ton flush trucks and 10-ton combination trucks, as well as steam trucks, grease trucks and auger vans to clean all kinds of drains, from kitchen drains and main sewers to sanitary and storm lines. Employees rotate being on call after regular office hours for one-week shifts.
You need a class 5 driver’s license with a current driver’s abstract in good standing. A positive attitude, reliability, motivation to work and honesty are a must. A company van is supplied to auger technicians after probation, so you must have a vehicle to get to and from work until then. If you are hired as a steam truck or grease truck operator, then a company vehicle is not provided. You must be able to pass a criminal record check. References and a current driver’s abstract must be submitted with your application.
If you are looking for a family-oriented company that cares about its employees, provides excellent pay and offers health and dental benefits paid by us, then call NOW!
If you have any questions, call the office at 587-328-0705 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. You may also drop off a resume at 5610-48 Street SE, fax it to 403-243-3498 or email your materials to info@thedraindoctor.ca.